The Idea landing page

Landing pages are designed to convert users to a specific action of our interest.

It can be to download a lead magnet or try a demo of your product in exchange for an email, or to buy your product.

When designing landing pages, the typical structure is based on tactics about removing pains and enhancing gains: Improve this, optimize that, help you there, etc.

It is a kind of "how we..." approach.

There is even a typical landing page structure:

  1. Hero section with a big image, a title, a description, and a call to action
  2. Features section with a list of features
  3. Testimonials section with a list of testimonials
  4. Call to action section with a call to action

But what I mostly see missing is the most important part of a selling proposition: A powerful idea.

When you try to offer a tactical solution, people evaluate it in terms of "adequacy" to their current problem.

This brings thousands of considerations (price, timing, features, etc.) which end up in a lower conversion rate.

But when you focus on selling your idea, people can only do two things: Either lean in or not.

Ideas are not something you evaluate in the same terms as tactics.

Ideas are binary powerful statements.

So even before starting to design a pixel on your landing page, ask yourself: Is there a genuine idea behind it? An idea that my potential users can only lean into?